Staff Favorites
There are times throughout the year when you just want to shower your student’s special teachers with affection for all that they do.
Here are their favorites to help you do so! (Click on their name to view) Updated for the 2024/2025 School Year.
Children’s Choice
Mrs. Hutchinson
Mrs. Bunjovac
Mrs. Brady
Mrs. Redinger
Mrs. Steege
Panda Program
Ms. Droz
Miss Fransecky
Ms. Hilliker
Ms. Henschen
Mrs. Holmes
Miss Wiebel
Ms. Reidhead
First Grade
Mrs. Byerley
Mrs. Johnson
Ms. Richardson
Ms. Neill
Second Grade
Mrs. Kujawa
Ms. Lass
Ms. Esper
Mrs. Breshears
Third Grade
Mrs. Savarese
Mr. Cunningham
Ms. Wilson
Ms. Seney
Fourth Grade
Mr. Takoushian
Mrs. Nierad
Mrs. Pescatore
Mrs. Bayham
Ms. Vodegel
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Dodgen
Mrs. Thom
Ms. Golowatsch
Ms. Antol
Mrs. Rich - ART
Mr. Greene - PE
Mr. Tarter - MUSIC
Mr. Fullmer - BAND
Ms. Gutierrez - SPANISH
Ms. Leiper
Mrs. Wilkinson
Nurse Alexa
Mrs. Loson
Mrs. Cyr
Mrs. Coburn
Mrs. Davies
Mrs. Raymond
Mrs. Hardy
Mrs. Jorgensen
Mrs. Brennan
Ms. Ference
Mr. Gannon
Ms. Fedorka
Ms. Anderson
Mrs. Katz
Ms. Wagner
Mr. Carlos
Ms. Damaris